Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well it's a sunday night and it's me sitting all night long again. it's a hard time always when you have to pass your exams and i'm not an exception. I have to do so much but wgat i'm only doing is watching some TV shows and drinking tea. Can't force myself to finish the preparation and get in the bed. Does someone has the same thing while passing exams? If yes - tell me, i'm interested to hear that ;)
The meaning is that i'm doing anything but studing. Damn I hate this...
Btw today I bought a nice sweater. The picture of it will post later. Right after the first wearing. So, i'm on my way to see another episode of "Medium"..that's my favourite TV show. I've already seen 5 seasons and now it's time for the last one, season #6. So i'm excited ;) And sad at the same time since that means after watching this last season I won't be watching it any longer again...Eehhhh.....

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