one more picture of me taken yesterday. It was shooted by the cell phone so has a bad image quality ;=) I'm still waiting for more people in this blog but that's gonna be failed I guess ;) My mood is totally down but i hope it will get higher with some good emotions that i will get tomorrow having fun walking around the city and just being a normal person_what/..
Now sitting here and thinking about the new song. I have the melody in my mind but have nothing to match it with cause it is so special and no lyrics are coming up for me to fix it all together...
It is already 4:45 a.m my time but i don't wanna sleep..even cannot fall asleep. What is that who knows?...usually i do sleep so good and if i barely put my head on the pillow i fall asleep immediately but now here's something wrong...
My country is a very weird one...Hard to live here and to be that russian one that people do think about like it has some "matreshka" and "valenki" has been gone many many years ago but they still do think about people in here as about ancient ones/...And if i talk about music it's very hard to play it here also. I look at the window, see the people and the houses and i cannot do anything cause my hands are hanging down itself and i'm still stuck in here for more time...Maybe that's why i cannot fall asleep since i started this long and killing me thoughts to think about...
Okay time to finish that post, hope someone will read that ;=)
P.S. so many things are trying to escape from my head and get written in here but if i ever start to write about it i cannot stop myself)_ let it be kept deep inside of my head)_ i bet try to use all the things and the information in my songs..that will be so cool and interesting ;)
Have a nice morning since it's 4:53 ;=)